Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, I am making dinner in the kitchen and the house is quiet.  Dan is out front putting lights in my car (front and back were both out), Kylie was at dance and Emma, well I thought Emma was in her room playing.  Boy, was I wrong!  I walked into my bedroom to find Emma sitting on my bed, hoarding a bag, yes a bag of Hershey Kisses Chocolates!  I caught her "Chocolate" Handed!

The evidence is clearly there.  Look at the pile of silver wrappers near her leg, and the bag on the bed, and, she had one in her hand unwrapping getting ready to eat.  I, sadly, had to take the bag and tell her NO more!  I know, I'm the bad parent - lol. 

She apparently takes after me with the love of chocolate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Omg, that's a lot of kisses! What a sweetheart. I would do the same thing. I could never save my Easter Bunny or any of my halloween candy for long.