Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Did you know that in 2008, just over the Labor Day holiday weekend, 194 people were killed in crashes involving an impaired driver?

This Labor Day, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council are trying to remind people to plan ahead and designate a sober driver for any Labor Day celebration because "Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving."

Even if you have had just one drink and think you are fine, please do not get behind the wheel - instead, get a designated driver, or call a cab.  The price for a cab ride is significantly less than the price of either a DWI or someones life.  Before you even leave the house for that party you are attending, decide who will be drinking (if at all), and who will be driving.  Please do not let them be the same person.  You are not only endangering your life but the lives of many, many others.

Designated Driver Drink List - One of the most important things you can do before you go out is to designate a sober driver. If you're throwing a party, make sure to offer up non-alcoholic drinks for the sober drivers in your group. Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving has compiled a Facebook tab with 50 non-alcoholic party drink recipes right here.

Alternative Ride Locator - Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving has created a new Facebook tab with a nationwide list of alternative ride programs.  Please check them out today and before you decide to leave for that party.

Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving website- Here you can sign a pledge not to drink and drive, play "Spot the Difference," an interactive game that simulates the effects of buzzed driving , and watch a real-life video about how buzzed driving changed one woman's life.

Thank you in advance for your help! This Labor Day, let's work together to put an end to buzzed driving. Don't ruin your summers with a drunk driving arrest.  Please designate a sober driver before you begin celebrating. Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving.

And remember, celebrate, but celebrate smart - get a designated driver now.

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